私隱政策 Privacy Policy
Coolpoint Innonism Holding Limited (下稱為 「我們」、「本公司」或「Coolpoint Innonism Holding Limited」) 尊重任何瀏覽本網頁的人士或參加 Coolpoint Innonism Holding Limited 的活動或登記使用Coolpoint Innonism Holding Limited 的服務或網上內容 (以下簡稱為「服務」) 的人士的私隱權。本私隱政策受《個人資料(私隱)條例》(香港法例第486章)(以下簡稱「私隱條例」)規管並奉行其有關規定。
1. 收集個人資料的目的
你毋須提供任何個人資料以瀏覽或使用本網頁。當你參加Coolpoint Innonism Holding Limited的活動或登記使用我們的服務或網上內容,我們會收集你的個人資料使我們能夠為你提供服務。你可拒絕向我們提供個人資料,但在此情況下,我們可能無法為你提供服務。閣下提供個人資料,即代表閣下同意我們按本私隱政策聲明使用閣下的個人資料。
2. 所收集的個人資料類別
Coolpoint Innonism Holding Limited 所收集的個人資料可能包括:
(i) 你的姓名及其他個人資料;
(ii) 你的聯絡資料, 如地址, 電話號碼, 及電郵地址;
(iii) 賬戶資料, 如信用卡賬戶號碼。
3. 個人資料的使用
(i) 核實閣下的帳戶身份;
(ii) 為閣下提供有關的服務;
(iii) 為閣下處理訂單、付款指示或追收應繳款項或其他要求;
(iv) 就為閣下提供有關服務而分析、核實及/或檢查閣下的信用、付款及/或狀況;
(v) 為閣下設計所需服務;
(vi) 為閣下提供客戶服務;
(vii) 進行市場研究、統計及行為分析;
(iix) 審核;
(ix) 按適用法律、規則及規例的規定作出披露;
(x) 直接促銷本公司及相關聯公司的產品及服務。
4. 直接促銷
5. 資料的保存
6. 個人資料之查閱及更正
7. 「Cookies」的使用
Cookies是儲存於上網人士的電腦內的電腦檔案,用於獲取配置資料以及使用者的喜好設定。本網站如有任何部分所使用的 Cookies,目的只為閣下於使用我們的網站時提供更優質購物體驗。閣下可選擇不接受Cookies,但這樣的話有可 能使您無法使用或啟動本公司網站的若干功能。
8. 政策覆蓋範圍
本私隱政策聲明只適用於本公司網頁。我們網頁可能載有通往其他網址及網頁的連線點。 每當閣下啟動任何此等連線網址,例如點選任何廣告客戶的連線欄目,閣下即已離開了我們的網址;而閣下在離開我們網址後向任何其他團體提供的任何個人資料或 任何其他資料,一概不在本公司的管控範圍內。閣下須承擔一切瀏覽或使用其他網址的風險。
9. 有關更新私隱政策
Coolpoint Innonism Holding Limited (collectively "we", the "Company", "Coolpoint Innonism Holding Limited" ) respects the privacy rights of visitors to the Company’s website and of individuals who participate in, access or sign up to any of the Company's services, activities or online content (collectively referred to as "Services"). The Privacy Policy is governed by the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486) (the “Ordinance”).
1. Purpose of Collecting Personal Data
You need not supply any personal data in order to access the company’s website. When you participate in, access or sign up to any of the services, personal data is collected from you to enable us to provide you with the services. You may decline to provide us with the requested personal data, but in such case we may not be able to provide the services to you. By submitting your personal data, you consent to the use of that data as set out in this Privacy Policy Statement.
2. Types of Personal Data Collected
Types of personal data collected by the Company may include but not limited to the following:
(i) Your name, and other personal particulars;
(ii) Contact details, such as mailing address, telephone number, and email address;
(iii) Billing information, such as credit card account numbers.
3. Use of Personal Data collected
Personal data collected from you may be used by the company for:
(i) Identifying you and your accounts;
(ii) Providing you with the related services;
(iii) Processing your order(s), payment instructions, collecting outstanding amounts and other instructions;
(iv) Analyzing, verifying, and/or conducting credit checks, payment details and/or conditions, so as to provide you with the related services;
(v) Designing services for you;
(vi) Providing you with customer service;
(vii) Conducting marketing research, statistics analysis, and behavioural analysis;
(iix) Auditing;
(ix) Making disclosures when required by applicable laws, rules and regulations;
(x) Direct marketing of the products and services of the company and its business partners.
4. Direct marketing
The Company may use the personal data collected from you in direct marketing upon receiving your consent. We may contact you by mail, email, telephone, social media, and other communication channels. If you prefer not to receive any direct marking communications from us, you can opt out at any time by updating your preferences through your registered account. Upon receipt of your request, we shall cease to use your personal data.
5. Retention of the information
We will retain your personal data and records of your online transactions for a reasonable period to fulfil the purpose of personal data collection.
6. Data Access and Correction
If you wish to access and/or correct your personally identifiable information which you have given us via internet, you may contact us by: Email: info@coolpointinnonism.com
7. Use of Cookies
Cookies are computer files which will be stored in your computer for the purposes of obtaining configuration information and user preferences.Cookies used (if any) can improve your shopping experience when visiting our site. You can choose not to accept Cookies, but to do so you may be unable to utilize or activate certain available functions on our site.
8. Policy Coverage
This Privacy Policy Statement only applies to the Company’s website. Our website may contain links to other sites and pages. By activating a link, such as clicking on the banner of an advertiser, you leave our website and the company does not exercise control over any personal data or any other information you give to any other entity after you have left our website. Access to and use of such other websites is at your own risk.
9. Changes in Privacy Policy Statement
The Privacy Policy Statement may be amended from time to time without prior notice, the latest version of the statement can be found on our site (www.coolpointinnonism.com). You are advised to check and read the latest version of the statement regularly.